Archive for the ‘Competition’ Category


Winning essay from Lauren Davis at the University of Dundee

Many congratulations again to our essay competition winner, Lauren Davis at the University of Dundee. We are delighted to publish Lauren’s winning essay. Lauren will be undertaking her work experience with our competition sponsors, McDermott Will & Emery, in London in July. It is a fantastic opportunity and we wish her every success. The essay […]

Should the right to protest be unfettered?

Introduction With the first act of oppression arose the fundamental human right to protest. The forms which protest may take are myriad; ranging from the printed and spoken word, to direct action and strikes, and at its most extreme to revolution and civil war. With its roots in the rights to freedom of expression and […]

Law undergraduate essay competition: winner announcement

We are delighted to announce the winner of our law undergraduate essay competition 2023-2024! The question we posed ‘Should the right to be protest be unfettered?’ prompted a fantastic response. We were thrilled to receive submissions from law undergraduates at 17 different universities in the UK. Congratulations to all the entrants for taking part and for […]

Essay competition now closed

The ILBF’s 2023-2024 law undergraduate essay competition is now closed. Thank you to all the students who have taken part – we are delighted to receive your essays and we are excited to read them! The judging will take place over the coming weeks by our panel of expert judges. The winner will be announced on […]

1 week to go!

Just one week to go until the deadline for ILBF’s law undergraduate essay competition! Deadline is 29th February at 4pm. There’s still plenty of time to get your response to our essay question down on paper! The question is: ‘Should the right to protest be unfettered?’. The prize is a week’s internship in summer 2024 […]

2 weeks to go!

Two weeks to go until the deadline for ILBF’s law undergraduate essay competition! Deadline is 29th February at 4pm. We are looking forward to reading your essays in answer to the question: ‘Should the right to protest be unfettered?’. The topic is very timely as the right to protest comes under an even brighter spotlight […]