With the end of term fast approaching, and the holidays ahead, it’s a great time to think about entering the ILBF law undergraduate essay competition 2023-2024. Undergraduate studies and exams are of course a huge focus over the coming months, so why make the extra effort to answer the question set for the 2023-2024 competition?
Hear from the 2022-2023 winner, Clarissa Wong, on what entering the competition meant to her and what the benefits of taking part and undertaking the research can be.
You can watch Clarissa’s video here.
The winner of the 2023-2024 competition will undertake a week’s work experience with the competition sponsors, McDermott Will & Emery, which is a fantastic prize. We will also publish the winning and runner up essays. Researching and formulating your arguments in response to the question will exercise your legal mind and expose you to reports, insights and studies on this most important topic: the right to protest.
If you missed the launch of the competition on 29th November, we will be posting a video of the event shortly. Watch out for news about that and two events in January: a Q & A with the recruitment team at McDermott Will & Emery, and an online panel discussion hosted by LexisNexis on the topic of the essay.
All details of how to enter the competition are here.