Recently the ILBF put out a call for student textbooks to support education projects and in particular the African Prisons Project (APP). Thanks to the help of Dinah Crystal OBE, Director of External Relations and Clinical Education at The University of Manchester School of Law, the wonderful University of Manchester Library team, coordinated by Ian Fishwick, have donated 20 boxes of high quality student texts.
Ian Fishwick with some of the boxes of books
The team at LexisNexis had already packed 12 boxes of student texts for the APP earlier in June and the shipment was getting ready to leave when news came from The University of Manchester that they too could assist. So with impressive efficiency their Collection Management team scoured the library for boxes, sorted out the relevant books and packed them up in a matter of days. Our shipper Bibby, as always quick off the mark, held the shipment, to be able to add in the donation from Manchester.
‘The University of Manchester Library is delighted to support the ILBF. Manchester was the first UK University to make social responsibility a core strategic goal, so we were particularly pleased that the texts which have helped our law students are now going to assist the APP prison staff and prisoners who are starting their legal studies’ says Ian Fishwick, Academic Engagement Librarian at The University of Manchester.
This donation means that the APP students who are enrolled for the legal diploma will have the books they need right from the beginning of their studies.
A big thank you to The University of Manchester School of Law and The University of Manchester Library for their support.
Marisol and James from the library team still smiling after a morning’s packing of books!