Feedback from Micronesia

We have received some brilliant feedback from the Federated States of Micronesia Supreme Court Law Libraries (FSMSCLL) who have received 10 boxes of books from the ILBF.

Atarino A. Helieisar, Chief Law Librarian at the FSM Supreme Court said:

“On behalf of the Federated States of Micronesia Supreme Court Law Libraries (FSMSCLL), I would like to thank you for your generous donations of Law books. Your donations support helps us continue in our mission and the services we do in our law libraries and the communities every day.

The Law books donated from ILBF is now being on display at the main FSM Supreme Court Law Library at the National Government for judges, bar members, legal researchers and the community. The News of the ILBF donation is also posted on the FSMSCLL website at for the world to know our very big thanks for your generosity.

The generous support of an organization like you makes it possible for our law libraries to exist for better services and to make the community a great place to live.”

We are looking forward to receiving some photos of the books being used!