Feedback from Ghana: follow up!

Back in September a shipment of books arrived at the Ghana School of Law. We are delighted to have received some more feedback and photos from Mrs Janet Odetsi Twum, Librarian:

‘I write to let you know how the books are being used here in Ghana School of Law (The only professional law school in Ghana). The books came in when we were reopening after the long vacation. We have new students now and they are so surprised we have Civil practice 2013. We had none of those books until we received your donation. Civil Procedure 2013 is also one valuable addition to our library stock. We did not even have its older edition not to talk of the 2013 edition. Find attached some photos of the books in use in the library. We are also grateful for the ALL England Reports (up to 2008) we look forward for the subsequent years.’

GLS Bks 4

GLS Bks 5

GLS Bks 6

GSL Bks 1

GSL Bks 2

GSL Bks 3